Saturday, October 18, 2008

Calculate your love with Love Calculator

Time and again, one encounters bouts of insecurity where on seeks succor in instruments that serve as an assurance of love. However unfruitful the search be, one's heart seeks solace however artificial it be.

The Love Calculator is indeed a popular and well known application online. Anyone who has been on the net in the past few years would have at the least, once have chanced upon it. Like other annoying applications like the Hamster Dance and dancing baby, the love calculator has achieved legendary status on the net as well and has been rendered immortal in the world of forwards. It is one of those mails that has flooded mailboxes and spread worldwide.

Of course, the application justifies and validates its authenticity with an explanation. Here is the explanation that the makers have provided on their site.

We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not randomly chosen: they all have a meaning. Doctor love has envisioned this while designing this Love Calculator just for the lonely you.

Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work out. Therefore Doctor Love himself designed this great machine for you. The quotient of success with respect to the relationship between two people can be calculated. The Love Calculator is an affective way to get an impression of what the chances are on a relationship between certain people.

Boredom of course lends one to pass time on the net and in the course, download a few applications like the Love Calculator. It has a simple edifice with two text boxes to enter the names and an enter button. One simply types the desired names in the boxes and presses enter. The result is a percentage that is a purported derivation from the names entered. This apparently is a scientific computation that reflects the likelihood of the success of a romantic relationship between the two.

Not at all a bad attempt, one would dismiss in brevity. However, narrow minded its definition of love be, it still remains an instrument of solace to the love struck that crawl the web for solace. "Dr. Love" holds a rather traditional conception of the idea of love.

Now not all of us are experts like Dr. Love. A love calculator based on a more sophisticated love formula would be interesting indeed. An enhancement indeed. There are many that have of late sprouted over the World Wide Web.

Whether it be a friend who loves you in secret or checking and assuring oneself that a love is faithful and shall remain, here is a chance to put the love to test. Additional details like date of birth, month of birth and zodiac might assess your love compatibility more accurately. These of course result in the accurate portrayal of your love, as the website claims. Nothing lost in giving it a try, we say.

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